Terms & Conditions

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Thank you for visiting Safe Casino Hub, also known as "the Site" from here on out. When you use this Site or any of its linked services, you must comply with these Terms and Conditions. You accept these Terms and Conditions in full by visiting or making use of the Site. Please do not use this Site in any way if you disagree with our Terms and Conditions. 

By entering or utilising the Site, you declare that you have carefully read, comprehended, and consent to be legally bound by our Privacy Policy and these Terms & Conditions. 

We may, at any moment and without notice, change, alter, or update these Terms and Conditions. If you use the Site after we make changes, it means you agree to the new Terms and Conditions. 

Services Offered


2.1. The Site is a digital hub where users can find and read reviews and articles pertaining to online casinos, bonuses, and other services. No part of the information on the Site should be taken as a substitute for the counsel of a lawyer, financial advisor, or other qualified professional. 

2.2. We do not own or control the websites or services that may be linked to on the Site. The content, privacy policies, and practices of any third-party websites or services are beyond our control and accountability. 

User Registration 

3.1. Some parts of the Site may require you to register for an account before you can access them. At registration, you promise to give true, up-to-date, and comprehensive information, and you will keep that information correct, up-to-date, and complete by updating it as needed. 

Thirdly, you should not let anybody else use your computer or device without your permission, and you should also keep your password and account information secret. Any and all actions taken with your password or account are entirely on you. 

Use of the Site

4.1. You acknowledge that you may only use the Site for legitimate reasons and in compliance with these Terms and Conditions. 

You are making a pact not to: 

It is illegal to use the Site in a manner that goes against the letter or spirit of the law. 
The following are examples of prohibited behaviour on the Site: gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, race, age, national origin, handicap, and harassment, abuse, insult, damage, defamation, slander, disparagement, intimidation, and harassment. 
Attempt to pass yourself off as someone else, or make an unfounded claim about your affiliation with another person or organisation. 
Interfere with or disrupt the operation of the Site or servers or networks connected to the Site. 
Take part in the illegal practice of data mining, harvesting, or extraction in any way. 


Copyright, Trademark, Patent, and Trade Secret


5.1. We are the sole owners of the Site and all of its original content, features, and functionality. These assets are safeguarded by various international laws pertaining to intellectual property and proprietary rights. 

5.2. Except as expressly allowed herein, you may not alter, copy, distribute, display, perform, republish, download, store, or transmit any content from the Site in any way. 

Content Provided by Third Parties


6.1. Ads and sponsored content are examples of third party material that may be found on the Site. Any opinion, suggestion, or advise contained in any third-party content is not endorsed by us, and we do not take responsibility for it. 

6.2. You should not put any stock in content that does not belong to you. In the event that you use or rely on content that is owned or operated by a third party, we are not responsible for any harm that may come from it. 


Warranties Exclusionary Statement 

7.1. Everything on the Site is offered "as is" and "as available" without any warranty, express or implied, including but not limited to the following: non-infringement, merchantability, fitness for a specific purpose, and others. 

7.2. We are not making any claims about the Site's availability, accuracy, timeliness, or lack of interruptions or errors, or on the absence of viruses or other dangerous components on the Site or the server that hosts it. 

Restrictions on Legal Owings 

8.1. Regardless of the legal theory you may be using, we will not be held responsible for any damages, whether they are direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential, that may arise from or be related to your use of the Site or any information, products, or services that you obtain through the Site.